
Crop Establishment

Sowing Cropping Pattern


    • Where irrigation facility is available sowing before monsoon gives good results.
    • In areas developed on monsoon rains sowing should start with the first shower and should be completed in last week of June.
    • Row to Row distance should be 45 cm.
    • When crop is sown in July this distance should be reduced to 35 cm to cover up the losses.
  • Plant to plant distance should be 4.5 cm and in one acre of land plant population should be 1.5 to 2 lakh.

Methods of sowing

  • It is recommended that seed and the fertilizer should be shown with the help of drill machine. Tractor mounted or bullock drawn seed drill can be used.
  • If drill is not available the fertilizer should be spreaded evenly and mixed thoroughly to the soil with the help of plough.

Management of the Crop after sowing

  • For the good growth of the soybean plant and good yield it is must that weeds should be effectively controlled during first 30-40 days.
  • Farmers use shallow plough for this inter culture operation.
  • It helps in weed removal and soil also gets aerated but an standing crop this operation may damage the crop.
  • After sowing whichever weedicide is available in the market should be used for weed control.
  • There are many chemicals, which are used for chemical control of weeds.

Seed Rate

  • It depends on cropping distance, seed weight and its germination rate, generally 30 kg certified seed is required for one acre up land. Its germination % should be 70% but the seed saved from the previous crop has very low 50% germination percentage therefore 40-45 kg seed is required for one acre of land. Good quality seed produced by Monsanto Company (MMB) which has 85% germination 28 kg per acre should be used.

Seed Treatment

  • Seed should be treated with thiram plus carbendazim fungicides (1.5 + 1.5 gm) @ 3 gm per kg of seed to protect the seed from fungal diseases i.e., seedrot etc., seed should also be treated with bacterium culture (Rhizobium japonica) which helps root nodules to fix nitrogen from the air by making them more effective. Seed should be wetted with the culture and dried in shade and sown same day. If soils is deficient in phosphorus then seed should be treated with phosphorus solubilizing bacterium (PSB) @ 5 gm per kg of seed.


Cropping Pattern

    • Soybean mainly grown in Kharif season.
    • At present, area covered under soybean cultivation is 4.25 million hec.


    • In hot season (Rabi) good variety of soybean can be grown with the help of production technique. Mainly in central and Southern datray India soybean is grown in Rabi season.
    • In Southern India saya is grown in Rabi season mainly for seed purpose so in coming Kharif season it can be used as seed.
    • Other than Maharastra generally after Soyabean crop-Wheat is sown.
    • In some places farmers take Potato crop after Soybean, generally soybean is grown as single crop but it can also be grown with crops like sugarcane, cotton, maize, ragi, arhar etc., some crop rotations are given below,


    • Soyabean-Wheat-Barley


    • Soybean-Cauliflower-Mustard

    Madhya Pradesh

    • Soyabean-Wheat


Andhra Pradesh