
Seed Varieties

Introduction Groundnut Varieties Of India Groundnut Growing Zones Of India List Of Groundnut Varieties Released State-Wise Important Characteristics Of The Released Groundnut Varieties Of India(Part 1) Important Characteristics Of The Released Groundnut Varieties Of India(Part 2) Important Characteristics Of The Released Groundnut Varieties Of India(Part 3) Suitable Groundnut Varieties for Kharif and Rabi Groundnut Varieties (Character Details)in AP


  • India is facing shortage of edible oils at present due to which we have to resort to large scale imports at the expense of huge foreign exchange.
  • Groundnut is the major oilseeds crop accounting for 45 percent of oilseeds area and 55 percent of oilseeds production of the country.
  • As such this crop has to play a major role in bridging the vegetable oil gap in the country.
  • But the current average yield level of 748 kg/ha is deplorably low as compared to what is being obtained in most of the groundnut growing countries in the world.
  • One of the main reasons for the low yield of production in the country is the wide scale non-adoption of newer varieties.
  • It is a well established fact that adoption of an improved variety alone can increase the yield by about 20 per cent.
  • In India over 60 improved groundnut varieties have been released by our scientists for general cultivation.


Groundnut Varieties Of India

  • The cultivated groundnut (Archis hypogaea Linn.) has three distinct botanical groups viz., pish (Sub sp. Fastigiata var. vulgaris), Valencia (Sub sp.fastigiata var. fastigiata) and Virginia (sub. Sp. hypogaea var. hypogaea).
  • The pish and valencia types popularly called as "Bunch" grow erect, possess light green foliage and produce pods in clusted at the base of the plant.
  • The seeds are non-dormant and roundish with light rose testa (deep rose or purple testa in valencia).
  • The virginia group which includes both virginia bunch (Semi-spreading) and virginia runner (spreading) types , on the other hand, possesses dark green foliage and the branches trail on the soil surface either partially or completely.
  • The main stem is devoid of fruit and pods are scattered all along the branches.
  • The seeds are dormant, oblong in shape with brownish testa.
  • In general, the spreading and semi-spreading varieties mature late as compared with the bunch varieties.
  • Groundnut is cultivated commercially in both Kharif as well as Rabi/summer seasons.
  • In kharif (rainy) season the crop is grown under rainfed conditions between May to December by planting varieties belonging to different habit groups.
  • In contrast, during Rabi/Summer (post rainy) season the varieties belonging to pish bunch and valencia are preferred for their shorter duration and are grown under irrigated conditions.


Groundnut Growing Zones Of India

Owing to the vast agro-ecological situation in which Kharif groundnut is grown the entire area has been divided into six zones as follows:

Zone I (North Zone)

Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar and Northern Rajasthan (Jaipur, Ajmer, Bharatpur, Sawi Madhopur and Tonk districts).

Zone II (Western Zone)

Gujarat, Southern Rajasthan (Chittorgarh, Udaipur and Jhalawar districts).

Zone III (Central Zone)

Madhya Pradesh (excluding Mandsour and Ratlam districts) and Maharashtra (excluding Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Kolhapur, Osmanabad and Nanded districts).

Zone IV (south-eastern zone)

Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh ( Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam, districts) and Southern Maharashtra (satara, Sangli, Solapur, Kolhapur, Osmanbad and Nanded districts).

Zone V (Peninsular zone)

Karnataka Andhrapradesh, (excluding Srikakulam and Vishakapatnam districts) and southern Maharastra (Satara, Sangli, Solapur, Kolhapur, Osmanabad and Nanded districts ).

Zone VI (Southern zone)

Tamil Nadu and Kerala.


List Of Groundnut Varieties Released State-Wise

No of varieties
Habit groups
Semi spreading
ZoneI(Northern Zone)
Bihar 2 - - BG1 1
Haryana 2 MH1 MH2 - -
Punjab 8 SG84 - C 501 PG 1
        M 145 M 13
        M 197 M 37
          M 335
Rajasthan 2 - - RSB 87s RS 1
5   - T 28 Chandra
        T 64 Chitra
        Kaushal (G 201) (MA 10)
Total 19 2 1 9 7
Zone 1I (Western Zone)
Gujarat 5 J 11 - -  
    GAUG 1 - - GAUG 10
    GG 2     GG 11
TOTAL 5 3 - - 2
Zone III (Central Zone)
2 Jyoti Gangapuri - -
Maharashtra 9 AK 12-24 Kopergaon TG 1 Karad
    SB XI   (Vikram) 4-11
    JL 24   Koper
    TG 17   UF 70-103  
TOTAL 11 5 2 3 1
Zone IV (South – Eastern Zone)
Orissa 2 Kisan - - -
TOTAL 2 2 - - -
Zone V (Peninsular Zone)
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 4 ICGS 11 - Kadiri 2 Kadiri 71-1
        Kadiri 3  
Karnataka 6 pish - - S 230
    S 206      
    DH 3-30      
    KRG 1      
    DH 8      
Total 10 6 - 2 2
Zone VI (Southern Zone)
Tamilnadu 16 TMV 2 - TMV 6 TMV 1
    TMV 5   TMV 8 TMV 3
    TMV 7   TMV 10 TMV 4
    POL 1      
    TMV 9      
    POL 2 TMV 11    
    TMV 12      
    CO 1      
    CO 2      
Total 16 9 1 3 3
Grand Total 63 27 4 17 15


Important Characteristics Of The Released Groundnut Varieties Of India(Part 1)

Name of the variety Area for which released Pod yield kg/ha Shelling % Oil % Salient features
Pish Improved Tract of Bombay Karnataka region 2400 67.0 44.0 Less prominent beak and constriction, kernels with round ends.
Ak 12-24 Vidarbha region of Maharashtra but grown in the states of Orissa, MadhyaPradesh and Rajasthan 1250 75.0 48.5 Wider adaptability, suited for medium to heavy soils.
TMV 2 Tamil Nadu, currently grown in AndhraPradesh and Telangana & Karnataka state 1025 76.7 49.0 Widely adapted, well suited for summer season.
J 11 Gujrat State, suitable for other states also 1300 75.0 49.0 Wider adaptability, resistant to collar rot and Aspergillus flavus invasion. Suitable for summer season also.
TMV 5 Tamilnadu state 1250 74.6 50.5 Mature in 110 days, partially dormant.
SB XI Maharashtra state 1300 75.0 49.0 Suitable for cultivation in summer season also
TMV 7 Tamil Nadu state 1400 75.2 49.6 Bold poded darker green foliage
Pollachi 1 Pollachi tract of Tamil Nadu 1450 76.6 48.2 Fit for HPS export.
S 206 Northern Karnataka 1900 73.0 49.5 Reticulated pod with slight beak and constriction.
TMV 9 Tamil Nadu state 1150 (Rainfed) 2000 (Irrigated) 75.6 51.4 Dormancy upto 15 days.
Jyoti Madhya Pradesh state 1600 77.8 53.3 Less incidence of root rot and collar rot.
GAUG 1 Gujarat State 1500 76.0 50.0 Yielded 7% higher than J 11 in trials. Small thin shelled pods having prominent beak.
Pollachi 2 Coimbatore, Salem and Trichi districts of Tamil Nadu 1500 (Rainfed) 2700 (Irrigated) 78.6 48.6 High shelling per cent.
Dh 3-30 Northern Karnataka 2800 77.6 46.5 Pod with prominent beak and construction bold kernel HPS catagory tolerant to drought.
MH1 Haryana state 2000 70.0 50.0 Light green leaves and light rose kernels small pods.
TMV 12 Tamil Nadu 1250 (Rainfed) 2100 (Irrigated) 72.0 51.2 Medium to bold pods shallow constriction.
JL 24 (phule pragati) Maharashtra state but suitable for other states 1800 75.0 50.7 Large dark green leaves. Early (95 days) smooth pod, compact bearing widely adopted.
CO 1 Tamil Nadu 1300 (rainfed 2200 irrigated) 74.0 50.4 High harvest index suited for rabi/summer cultivation also.
Kisan Orissa State 1600 70.8 49.9 Small pod with prominent reticulation


Important Characteristics Of The Released Groundnut Varieties Of India(Part 2)

Name of the variety Area for which released Pod yield kg/ha Shelling % Oil % Salient features
Kadiri 3 Andhra Pradesh but adopted to entire country 2100 75.0 49.0 Clustered bearing smooth and short pod rose testa early maturity (105 days) suitable for summer season also.
BG 1 Bihar state 2000 70.0 48.0 Bold pod SMK % 93-95.
BG 2 Bihar state 2200 69.0 49.3 Bold pod SMK % 93-95
M 197 Punjab state 1800 67.4 51.2 Leaves dark green pod with smooth venation earlier than C 501. Bold kernel.
Chitra Uttar Pradesh state 2000 71.0 49.0 Leaves dark green testa varigated on rose back ground.
Koushal (G201) All India 1700 71.0 49.0 Compact plant dark green leaves even at maturity early (108-112 days) 1-3 seeded pod.
UF 70-103 Vidharbha and western region of Maharashtra state 2000 71.3 52.0 Suitable for summer.
TMV 1 Tamil Nadu state 1450 73.5 50.0 Pod 1-3 seeded
TMV 3 Tamil Nadu state 1450 76.7 49.6 Pod short 1-3 seeded with reticulation and constriction.
TMV 4 Tamil Nadu state 1450 75.5 50.0 High percentage of 3-4 seeded pod
Punjab 1 Punjab but grown in Gujarat and Rajasthan state also 1900 69.0 49.0 Wider adaptability.
RS 1 Rajasthan 1300 71.0 45.0 Kernal medium bold
Karad 4-11 Satara, Sangali, Kolhapur, ,Solapur and Pune district 1000 72.0 48.0 Medium to long pod 1-3 seeded.
T 28 Uttar Pradesh 1900 74.0 47.5 Pod 3 seeded with prominent beak and reticulation kernel medium spherical with light red testa.
M145 Punjab state 2200 76.0 50.5 Light green leaves 1-3 seeded pods purple coloured testa smaller lateral spread.
S 230 Northern Karnataka 1280 70.0 50.0 -
Kadiri 71-1 Rayal seema region of Andhra Pradesh 1390 74.0 47.0 Efficient in fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
M 13 Entire country 2750 68.0 49.0 Leaves dark green with waxy coating. Large sized pod HPS category prominent reticulation and medium constriction, tolerant to leafspot.
GAUG 10 Gujarat 1800 74.0 50.0 Plant well branched stem thin,nine per cent higher yield over Punjab 1 in trial, medium sized pod 2-1 seeded with rose testa.
Chandra Uttar Pradesh 2500 70.0 47.7 Bold pod kernel light rose big oval shaped.
M 37 Punjab 1650 69.0 50.5 Pod two seded with small beak kernels with light brown testa.
GG 11 Entire Gujarat 2050 72.6 48.6 Leaflet and pod bigger than GAUG 10 4.9% higher yield than GAUG 10 and 14.3% higher yield than M 13.
M 335 Sandy areas of Punjab under irrigated condition during Kharif season 2300 67.0 49.0 Plant has less lateral spread, leaflets large and dark green in colour, pod bold with 1-2 seeded and rarely 3 seeded. Reticulation prominent,constriction medium,kernels bold with light brown testa.


Important Characteristics Of The Released Groundnut Varieties Of India(Part 3)

Name of the variety Area for which released Pod yield kg/ha Shelling % Oil % Salient features
KRG 1 Raichur,
of Karnataka
1200 (rainfed 2230 (Irrig ated) 73.0 49.0 Medium sized pod 2 seeded suitable for summer season also.
TG 17 Maharashtra
state for
summer season
2000 69.0 49.0 Bold poded pinkish kernel, high harvest index. Fresh seed dormancy upto 30 days.
GG2 Saurashtra
region of
Gujarat for
summer season
3100 70.5 49.0 Early flowering dark green leaves, reticulated 2 seeded pod.
Jawan Orissa State 1230 (Rainfed 2000) (Irrig ated) 66.3 47.6 Elongated pod with slight larger beak, medium rose kernel.
Co 2 Tamil Nadu state 1650 (Rain fed) 2700 (Irrig ated) 77.0 51.4 Medium pod 1-2 seeded plumpy rose colour testa.
Dh 8 Transitional
tract of
3200 71.7 46.0 Dark green leaves,compact plant, tolerant to late leafspot, pods small, smooth kernal rose rounded at one end and sharply pointed at the other.
ICGS 11 Zone III - comprising
parts of
Pradesh and Maharashtra
Zone V -
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana
and part
of Maharashtra
for Rabi/
2000 70.0 48.7 Dark green leaflet, compact plant, pod 2 seded constriction and reticulation less prominent & beak absent.
SG 84 Loamy
soil of Punjab
under irrigation
for spring season
2062 64.0 50.0 Plant grows erect with medium sized dark green leaves pod 2 seeded with medium constriction and slight beak testa light brown.
Pradesh &
entire country
2000 59.7 49.5 3-4 seeded pod with purple testa colour susceptable to aphids and jassids.
gaon 3
Western Maharashtra 1900 69.0 47.0 Early maturity (90 days) 3 seeded red testa preferred as a table type.
TMV 11 Tamil Nadu 1200 73.0 50.2 Big pod 1-3 seeded thick shelled purple testa.
MH 2 Haryana 3000 72.0 49.0 Vary dwarf plant pod 1-4 seeded red testa responsive to closer slacing 15 x 15 cm
gaon 1
Sangli and Kolhapur
district of Maharashtra
1250 72.0 47.0 Pod medium in size
RSB 87 Kota division and other heavy soil area of Rajasthan 1750 66.0 50.0 Small dark green leaflets pod 3 seeded with dark red kernels.
TMV 6 Tamil Nadu state 950 73.0 48.0 Suited for table purpose pod 1-3 seeded with shallow to medium constriction prominent reticulation.
C 501 Punjab state 1750 68.0 48.0 1-3 seeded pod well suited for sandy loam soil under irrigation,mature in 123 days.
T 64 Uttar
Pradesh state
2100 70.0 48.0 Bold pod HPS category with prominent reticulation and beak, kernels elleptical with light red testa.
TMV 8 Southern
and central
region of
Tamil Nadu
1600 74.4 50.1 Mostly 3 seeded pod,dormant upto 60 days.
TMV10 Tamil Nadu
but suitable for
entire country
1700 77.7 54.4 Testa varigated high oil content.
1 (Vikar
Entire country 2695 68.0 46.5 Bold pod HPS Grade profuse branching but late maturity.
Kadiri 2 Srikakulam Visakhapatnam
and Chittor
district of
Andhra Pradesh
1800 78.0 47.0 Efficient in fixing atmospheric nitrogen,maturing in 115-120 days. Bold seeded brownish testa.


Suitable Groundnut Varieties for Kharif and Rabi

Season For the conditions Suitable variety Duration (in days)


a) Minimum rainfall drought Vemana (K - 134), Tirupati - 2
TMV - 2, J.C.G - 88
Tirupati - 1 and 4
Kadiri - 5
b) Moderate water facility Vemana (K - 134), TMV - 2,
Tirupati - 1 and 4, Kadiri - 5, Narayani
Kadiri - 3 115-120
c) High rainfall Tirupati - 3 125-135
Kadiri - 3, T.G 26 115-120
d) Budnecrosis R - 8808
Kadiri - 3
I.C.G.S - 11 and 44
e) Leaf spot Vemana (K - 134)
Kadiri - 5
Tirupati - 3 125-130
f) Kalahasti malady Tirupati - 3
g) Late on set of monsoon Kadiri - 4 (K-150), Kadiri - 5 90-100


a) Under good irrigation facility


Tirupati - 2, Vemana J.L. 24, Kalahasti G.G. 2, Kadiri - 6 105-110
Tirupati - 4, Narayani
Kadiri - 3
Kadiri - 4, T.A.G -24
ICGS - 11; ICGS - 44
D.R.G. 12; D.R.G. 17
b) Rice fallows Kadiri - 4, G.A.G - 24 95-100


Groundnut Varieties (Character Details)in AP

Name of the variety Season Characters Shelling % Oil % Yield (kg/acr)
TMV2 Kharif Rabi For all areas, especially for low rainfall areas, Non dormant, Susceptible to leaf spot diseases. 76.0 49.0 580-600 1200-1400
JL-24 Kharif Rabi Suitable for areas with assured rainfall and irrigation facility. Bold seeded and uniform maturity. Not suitable for low rainfall areas. 75.0 47.0 600-720 1400-1520
Kadiri-3 Kharif Rabi Suitable for assumed rainfall areas. Tolenant to Budnecrosis. Dormancy exists. 75.0 49.0 600-840 1400-1600
Vemana (K-134) Kharif Rabi Spanish bunch variety, tolerant to drought and leaf spot diseases. Having dormancy. Pegs are strong. More haulms weight. 77.0 49.0 720-1040 1400-1600
Kadiri-4 (K-150) Rabi Plant is short and pods around main root. Non dormant. Suitable for Rabi. Short duration. 70.0 48.0 1400-1600
Tirupati-1 Kharif Rabi In areas with minimum rainfall in place of T.M.V-2 this can be cultivated suitable for rainfed conditions. Small seeded bunch variety. 76.0 49.0 800-1000 1400-1600
Tirupati-2 Kharif Rabi Tolerant to kalahasti malady caused due to nematodes. Suitable for areas having irrigation facility. Pegs are strong and hence can be cultivated in black soils. 76.0 49.0 800-840 1400-1600
Tirupati -3 Kharif Rabi Bunch type. In place of bunch varieties which are susceptible to kalahasti malady this can be cultivated where irrigation facilities are available. 76.0 53.0 800-1000 1400-1800
Tirupati-4 Kharif Rabi Kernals are bigger in size than TMV 2 and Tirupati-2 varieties. Drought tolerant. 75.0 49.0 800-1000 1400-1800
1 C GS-11 Rabi Tolerant to Budnecrosis disease. 70.0 48.0 1200
JCG-88 Kharif Rabi Semi spreading. Tolerant to leaf spot disease. 74.0 48.0 1200
Kadiri-5 Kharif Rabi Semi spreading. Tolerant to leaf spot diseases. Short duration. Strong pegs and drought tolerant. 72.0 48.0 720-920 1400-1600
Kadiri-6 Kharif Rabi Semi spreading type. Suitable for Rabi Short duration variety. 72.0 48.0 800-880 1520-1680
Narayani Kharif Rabi Semi spreading type. Tolerant to leaf spot disease. 76.0 49.0 800-1000 1400-1800
Kalahasti Rabi Can be cultivated in place of bunch varieties susceptible to kalahasti melady. 76.0 52.0 1800-2000

